Shropshire Holiday 2014 Final Part
On Sunday 29/6/14 we went to Church
Stretton Methodist Church. It is a very nicely decorated building [see below]. The Revd
JV Roberts who is an Anglican took the service and as it was the day of Peter
and Paul he took that as a theme with surveys of New Testament teaching and
encouragement to learn from those who have preceded us.
After the service I chatted
with a very tall gent who turned out to be the Revd Tony Hearle who looks very
fit and has been retired for 27 years and is 92! We also met a couple from Wellington, Somerset! We didn’t know
them but knew the man's sister who lives near us. They had come up to see a
grandchild and the other grandparents came from near Tiverton.
Church Stretton Methodist Church - after the substantial congregation had gone for coffee! |
The thatched church in Little Stretton |
We went
on to have a delicious
meal at the Green Dragon, Little Stretton, which had been recommended to us and
lived up to expectations. Hilary
had the roast beef dinner and I had salmon and we agreed that they were
delicious meals. Hazel Ratcliffe and her husband Philip were there too and we chatted
with them. Their circuit is absolutely enormous.
After lunch we looked at the
1903 thatched church nearby with its shepherd trail.We then went back to Church Stretton and went on the Rectory Wood walk and farther on than we
had before - it is very pretty indeed with a pool and stream and quite some climb to
the top and down again. We looked at some shops and had a cuppa at the cafe
near the bus stop and then returned to Wentnor to relax at the campsite.
In the Rectory Wood, Church Stretton. |
In the Rectory Wood, Church Stretton. |
The campsite was very quiet by Sunday evening. We met a woman who comes from London and finds it wonderful here but is
very much attached to London life.
A red kite flew over earlier, it was high up
but there was something about the flight that made me suspect it was not a buzzard and the binoculars
showed the forked tail.
We played
several games of Scrabble over the holiday; Hilary won every timel!
On our last day of holiday, Monday 30/6/14, we went to Ludlow on a bright day (not ‘amidst
the moonlight pale’) that was cool in the morning and got warmer as the day
went on. The Park and Ride was a good option and an interesting circuitous ride into town.
We walked round the market had a cup of coffee there (much cheaper than Church
Stretton) and went on to the castle which covered extensive grounds and there were
wonderful views from the top of the keep. Many school parties were there too on
history trips.
Ludlow Castle |
Ludlow Castle |
View from Ludlow Castle |
Feathers Hotel Ludlow |
Ludlow has blue
plaques all over the place and many old half timbered buildings. Hilary was
especially taken by the Feathers Hotel but there were many more. The church of
St Laurence is huge.
The Methodist Church was refurbished a few years
ago and has a cafe where we had coffee and cake. We went across the road to the
town house where the Gwyn family lived around 1750. Charles Wesley married Sarah Gwyn.
Ludlow Methodist Church |
Ludlow Methodist Church |
Blue at Gwyn House |
Gwyn House |
The ride back
was via a school where we picked up many children. Their uniform logos were in
different colours which they told us were for their houses - red, white,
green... (not very original). A Cornish couple were on the bus too and we
chatted with them. We all agreed that Shropshire is very scenic and
interesting. We have had an excellent time and the campsite has turned out to
have been an excellent choice. It has the basic facilities in a very, mostly,
peaceful surroundings.
The market had a
bookstall and I picked up a book of Jack Hobbs' memories which should prove to
be very interesting and in the bookshop Hilary got a Scrabble dictionary!! She
also bought a very nice dress in the market.
We left on Tuesday and travelled home via
Cardiff and spent some time there with Sophie Joy and her parents. We took
Sophie on a walk in Bute Park so that Alison could get some sleep. We arrived
home about 2130, somewhat tired but very happy after a splendid holiday.